Wednesday 21 March 2007

From the Wayback Machine: Leaf Blowers

Friday, September 28, 2001 - 12:47 pm

These irritating things have very little to recommend them: they're noisy, waste energy and basically just shuffle garbage from one point to another, creating clouds of dust in the process and making the lives of allergy-sufferers hell.

The user of a leaf blower rarely exhibits any desire to actually collect up the leaves, but to merely blow them to where they'll be someone else's problem. This is selfish, inconsiderate and lazy.

For some reason leaf blowers have to be used at 7AM, often on a Sunday. I'm not a violent person by nature, but I feel positively homicidal when this happens.

Whatever happened to yard vacuums? I could live with them, because they actually cleaned things up. Or brooms; remember them?

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