Friday 1 June 2007

The Root of All Evil

Richard Dawkins' documentary "The Root of All Evil?" was on television recently. It's apparently a companion piece to his book "The God Delusion". (I'm sure the T-shirt is already available.)

I've read a few of Dawkins' books - "The Blind Watchmaker", "The Extended Phenotype" and "The Selfish Gene" - and find his arguments hugely compelling and largely irrefutable. (That I have a B.Sc. in Biology with a particular focus on genetics may incline me to such agreement, of course.) I haven't read "The God Delusion" and in the documentary he's rather inclined to hyberbole and emotion but overall I heartily agree with his thesis that religion is the source of much of the ills that beset mankind.

Obviously, given my general theme here, it's his exasperation at the pigeon-holing of children that resonates with me most. Why do we label children as Christians, Muslims, Jews, etc. when they haven't the faintest idea what such labels mean?

Lies to children? More like lies about children.

1 comment:

jane said...

I'm only commenting on this post because it's the latest, and that's usually the one that is checked for comments. I have had a good laugh and a good think about all you have written. I like your writing. I want to keep reading, which is good. Very often, blogs get tedious and wordy. I didn't feel the need to skip anything and I don't think it's because you're my bb. Keep up the good work. More pictures though...for the right jg